Twinstar Refurbishment Project
After many successful years doing aerial film work in Florida and the Bahamas it was time to perform a 12 year inspection and complete rebuild of our Eurocopter AS355F1 Twinstar. It was completely disassembled to a bare fuselage, the main rotors and entire main rotor drive train was removed, the engines and associated systems were removed. The tail rotor and drive train were also removed for refurbishment. The tailboom was removed from the main cabin and then was loaded onto a flat bed trailer, shrink wrapped and shipped to Wysong Enterprises in Tennessee for a complete strip & repaint, new windows and new interior refurbishment.
While the airframe was at the paint shop, the main transmission was disassembled and inspected, the main transmission support beam was overhauled, the engines were inspected with one receiving an overhauled turbine, and the main rotor head was completely rebuilt with all new parts. During the paint and window work at Wysong Enterprises we also added custom avionics for our special aerial filming operations, a in-panel video monitor, a UHF/VHF custom programmable radio for production communications , a radar altimeter, a health and usage monitoring system and a custom panel illumination package. The interior panels, seats and Air Conditioning were also upgraded to new condition.
It is important to make mention that after all this rework our aircraft still retains all its original FAA Approved special camera bracket and camera systems certifications such as SpaceCam, Pictorvision (Eclipse), Gyron, Stab C, Cineflex, just to name a few and still is the ONLY Eurocopter Astar/Twinstar airframe available exclusively for motion picture film work in the Southeast USA.
We are extremely pleased with the outcome of our AS355F-1 “Twinstar” Refurbishment and we know you be will too !
Take a look at the finished product!

Aerials for Bones spin off “Finder” in South Florida
Finder in South Florida

X Factor
X Factor

Shooting for Burn Notice in South Florida, USA Network
Burn Notice in South Florida

Twinstar Refurbishment Project
After many successful years doing aerial film work in Florida and the Bahamas it was time to perform a 12 year inspection and complete rebuild of our Eurocopter AS355F1 Twinstar. It was completely disassembled to a bare fuselage, the main rotors and entire main rotor drive train was removed, the engines and associated systems were removed. The tail rotor and drive train were also removed for refurbishment. The tailboom was removed from the main cabin and then was loaded onto a flat bed trailer, shrink wrapped and shipped to Wysong Enterprises in Tennessee for a complete strip & repaint, new windows and new interior refurbishment.
While the airframe was at the paint shop, the main transmission was disassembled and inspected, the main transmission support beam was overhauled, the engines were inspected with one receiving an overhauled turbine, and the main rotor head was completely rebuilt with all new parts. During the paint and window work at Wysong Enterprises we also added custom avionics for our special aerial filming operations, a in-panel video monitor, a UHF/VHF custom programmable radio for production communications , a radar altimeter, a health and usage monitoring system and a custom panel illumination package. The interior panels, seats and Air Conditioning were also upgraded to new condition.
It is important to make mention that after all this rework our aircraft still retains all its original FAA Approved special camera bracket and camera systems certifications such as SpaceCam, Pictorvision (Eclipse), Gyron, Stab C, Cineflex, just to name a few and still is the ONLY Eurocopter Astar/Twinstar airframe available exclusively for motion picture film work in the Southeast USA.
We are extremely pleased with the outcome of our AS355F-1 “Twinstar” Refurbishment and we know you be will too !
Take a look at the finished product!